Solute Carrier Family


货号 产品名 CAS号 信息
FB15238 V-9302 1855871-76-9 V-9302 is a competitive and selective antagonist of transmembrane glutamine flux that selectively and potently targets the amino acid transporter ASCT2 with IC50 of 9.6 μM.
FB15569 V-9302 HCl 2416138-42-4 V-9302 HCl is a competitive and selective antagonist of transmembrane glutamine flux that selectively and potently targets the amino acid transporter ASCT2 with IC50 of 9.6 μM.
FB15248 PF-06761281 1854061-19-0 PF-06761281 is a potent and selective sodium-coupled citrate transporter (NaCT or SLC13A5) with IC50 of 0.51 μM.
FB15249 PF-06678419 2055468-48-7 PF-06678419 is a potent and selective inhibitor of Na+/citrate transporter NaCT (SLC13A5) with citrate uptake inhibition property with IC50 of 0.44 μM in HEKNaCT cells.
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