
货号 产品名 CAS号 信息
FB12724 THPN 100079-26-3 THPNis a Nur77 agonist that induces autophagy in melanoma cell lines.
FB12569 DIM-C-pPhOH 151358-47-3 DIM-C-pPhOH is Nur77 antagonist which can induce conformational change.
FB08420 DIM-C-pPhOCH3 33985-68-1 DIM-C-pPhOCH3 is a Nur77 agonist. Nerve growth factor-induced Bα (NGFI-Bα, Nur77) is an orphan nuclear receptor.
FB15401 DIM-C-pPhCO2Me 151358-48-4 DIM-C-pPhCO2Me is a NR4A1 antagonist.
FB09893 Cytosporone B 321661-62-5 Cytosporone B is a Nur77 agonist with EC50 of 0.278 nM. It inhibits cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth.
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