Glycine transporters (GlyTs) are plasmalemmal neurotransmitter transporters. They serve to terminate the signaling of glycine by mediating its reuptake from the synaptic cleft back into the presynaptic neurons. There are two glycine transporters: glycine transporter 1 (GlyT1) and glycine transporter 2 (GlyT2).

Glycine transporter

货号 产品名 CAS号 信息
FB11869 Tilapertin 1000690-85-6 Tilapertin is an oral inhibitor of glycine transporter type-1 (GlyT1).
FB07098 Sarcosine 107-97-1 Sarcosine is an NMDAR co-agonist at the glycine binding site. It is an intermediate and byproduct in glycine synthesis and degradation.
FB12501 Org 25543 HCl 495076-64-7 Org 25543 HCl is a potent and selective glycine transporter type 2 (GlyT2) inhibitor with IC50 of 16 nM for hGlyT2.
FB12408 NFPS 405225-21-0 NFPS is a selective, non-transportable inhibitor of GlyT1 with IC50s of 2.8 and 9.8 nM for hGlyT1, rGlyT1.
FB10327 LY2365109 HCl 1779796-27-8 LY2365109 is a selective inhibitor of GlyT1 with IC50 of 15.8 nM.
FB12401 LY 2365109 HCl 868265-28-5 LY 2365109 HCl is a potent and selective glycine transporter 1 (GlyT1) inhibitor with IC50 of 15.8 nM.
FB06829 Bitopertin R-Enantiomer 845614-12-2 Bitopertin R-enantiomer is a potent, noncompetitive glycine reuptake inhibitor, inhibits glycine uptake at human GlyT1 with a concentration exhibiting IC50 of 25 nM.
FB09391 Bitopertin 845614-11-1 Bitopertin is a noncompetitive inhibitor of glycine reuptake with IC50 of 25 nM.
FB12320 ASP 2535 374886-51-8 ASP 2535 is a potent and selective GlyT1 inhibitor with IC50 of 92 nM.
FB07717 Amoxapine 14028-44-5 Amoxapine, a tricyclic dibenzoxazepine antidepressant, inhibits GLYT2a transport activity with IC50 of 92 μM.
FB12319 ALX 5407 HCl 200006-08-2 ALX 5407 HCl is a selective non-transportable inhibitor of the glycine transporter GlyT1 with IC50 of 3 nM for human GlyT1c.
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