货号 产品名 CAS号 信息
FB10942 SB-FI-26 1541209-75-9 SB-FI-26, an antinociceptive agent which binds to anandamide transporters FABP5 and FABP7, suppresses the proliferation, migration, invasiveness and colony formation of PC3-M cells in vitro.
FB17189 HM 50316 1310361-52-4 HM 50316 is a selecive inhibitor of FABP4 with Ki of < 1 nM.
FB04130 BMS-309403 300657-03-8 BMS-309403 is an inhibitor of fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) with Ki of less than 2 nM that decreases fatty acid uptake in adipocytes in vitro.
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