编 号:F744545
CAS No: 137833-31-9
Myelopeptide-2 is a peptide originally isolated from the supernatant of porcine bone marrow cell cultures, can restore mitogenic reactivity of human T lymphocytes inhibited by HL-60 leukemia cells or measles virus conditions. Myelopeptide-2 also recover depressed interleukin-2 (IL-2) synthesis and interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression. Myelopeptide-2 involves in immunity homeostasis, is perspective to be applied in antitumor and antivirus research.
Myelopeptide-2 (10 μg/kg; injection; for 20-50 weeks) delays the appearance of urethane-induced tumors and decreases the number of spontaneous and urethane-induced lung tumors in mice with short-term treatment.Animal Model:Male BALB/c mice (3-month-old) with spontaneous lung tumors
Dosage:10 μg/kg; accompanied with 0.5 mg/kg Urethane (HY-B1207) or not
Administration:Routine injection; (1) 1 injection of MP-2 and after 7 days 3 injections of MP-2 every other day, (2) or alternating with injections of urethane (4 injections of MP-2; 3 injections of urethane+4 injections of MP-2); (3) 3 injections of MP-2 every other day or (4) alternating with injections of urethane and after 3 weeks 2 injections of MP-2 monthly with one-week interval, a total of 22 injections (25 injections of MP-2; 3 injections of urethane+25 injections of MP-2). For 20-50 weeks.
Result:Significantly lowered the incidence of urethane-induced lung adenomas in animals receiving 4 injections of MP-2 compared to the group receiving urethane alone or in combination with 25 injections of MP-2.
Myelopeptide-2 (1 ng/mL-0.1 mg/mL; 72 h) restores phytohemagglutinin (PHA, 2.5 mg/mL)-induced proliferation of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes.Myelopeptide-2 (0.1 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL; 1-3 d) increases the level of the reduced IL-2 synthesis in human T lymphocytes damaged by HL-60 or measles virus.