编 号:F072363
CAS No: 121104-96-9
Celgosivir (MBI 3253; MDL 28574; MX3253) is an α-glucosidase I inhibitor; inhibits bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) with an IC50 of 1.27 μM in in vitro assay.
Celgosivir fully protects AG129 mice from lethal infection with a mouse adapted dengue virus at a dose of 50 mg/kg twice daily (BID) for 5 days and is effective even after 48 h delayed treatment. The protection by celgosivir is dose- and schedule-dependent and that a twice-a-day regimen of 50, 25 or 10 mg/kg is more protective than a single daily dose of 100 mg/kg. Pharmacokinetics studies of celgosivir in mice shows that it rapidly metabolizes to castanospermine. During primary infection with a mouse-adapted DENV strain S221, mice shows increased viremia on day 3, yet 80% survived day 10 with virus completely cleared by day 8.
Celgosivir is more effective (IC50=20 μM) than the parent molecule (IC50=254 μM) at causing the accumulation of glucosylated oligosaccharides in HIV-infected cells by inhibition of glycoprotein processing. Celgosivir exhibits potent antiviral activity against HIV-1 with an IC50 of 2.0±2.3 μM. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is a closely related virus of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Celgosivir inhibits BVDV with IC50 values of 16 and 47 μM in plaque assay and cytopathic effect assay, respectively. Celgosivir inhibits DENV2 replication with an EC50 of 0.2 μM. The EC50 values against DENV1, 3 and 4 are less than 0.7 μM.