编 号:F401366
CAS No: 59865-13-3
Cyclosporin A (Cyclosporine A) is an immunosuppressant which binds to the cyclophilin and inhibits phosphatase activity of protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B/calcineurin) with an IC50 of 5 nM. Cyclosporin A also inhibits CD11a/CD18 adhesion.
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Cyclosporin A 能够与 T 细胞中的亲环素结合。Cyclosporin A 通过形成 Cyclophilin-Cyclosporin A 复合物来抑制神经钙蛋白。Cyclosporin A 抑制受刺激细胞中的神经钙蛋白,IC50 值为 7 nM。Cyclosporin A 抑制 NF-AT 的核转位。Cyclosporin A 通过阻止 MTP 打开对线粒体产生影响,IC50 为 39 nM。