编 号:F375365
CAS No: 51481-10-8
Deoxynivalenol, an orally active mycotoxin of the trichothecenes family, crosses the intestinal mucosa by a paracellular pathway through the tight junctions. The Deoxynivalenol transport is not affected by P-glycoprotein (PgP) or multidrug resistance-associated proteins (MRPs) inhibitors.
Deoxynivalenol (0-5 mg/kg, 灌胃, 每日一次, 14 天) 会以剂量相关的方式增加流涎过多的妊娠大鼠的数量。Deoxynivalenol (0-5 mg/kg, 灌胃, 每日一次, 14 天) 在 5 mg/kg 剂量下会导致大鼠胎儿胸骨发育异常。Deoxynivalenol (10-1000 mg/kg; 口服, 腹腔注射; 一次) 对 B6C3F1 小鼠的 LD50 值估计为 78 mg/kg (口服) 和 49 mg/kg (腹腔注射)。Deoxynivalenol (2-20 mg/kg, 口服, 每日一次, 4 周) 以剂量依赖性方式增加血浆浓度,并减少 B6C3F1 小鼠的体重增加。1.19药代动力学分析RouteDose (mg/kg)Plasma T1/2α(min)Plasma T1/2β (h)Liver T1/2α(min)Liver T1/2β (h)Kidney T1/2α(min)Kidney T1/2β (h)Spleen T1/2α(min)Spleen T1/2β (h)Heart T1/2α(min)Heart T1/2β (h)
Animal Model:Pregnant rats
Dosage:0-5 mg/kg
Administration: i.g., daily, 14 days
Result:Reduced feed consumption and mean body weight gain in the 5 mg/kg group .Reduced feed consumption in the 2.5 mg/kg group during 8-14 days.Decreased the number of viable fetuses at 5 mg/kg.Reduced fetal body weight and crown-rump length at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg.Increased the incidence of runts and the average number of fetuses per litter with internal anomalies at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg.Increased the incidence of misaligned and fused sternebrae at 5 mg/kg.Increased the ratios of liver-to-body-weight and kidneys-to-body-weight.
Deoxynivalenol (0-2 μg/mL, 24 h) 会引发 Caco-2 细胞中丝裂原激活蛋白激酶 (MAPKs) Erk1/2、p38 和 SAPK/JNK 的磷酸化。Deoxynivalenol (100-4000 ng/mL, 24-72 h) 在 500-4000 ng/mL 剂量下孵育 48 小时和 72 小时后,会降低 IPEC-1 和 IPEC-J2 细胞的活力。Deoxynivalenol (0-4000 ng/mL, 24-72 h) 在 IPEC-1 和 IPEC-J2 细胞中,浓度为 200 ng/mL 时增加BrdU 的掺入,浓度为2000-4000 ng/mL时减少 BrdU 的掺入。